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There are many ways to help BTK continue and expand its service to underprivileged youth in our communities.




  • Making a donation to the BTK Camps/ Clinic Fund (Funds help to send kids to our sports leadership camps.)

  • Making a donation to the BTK Building Fund (Funds help us secure our own facility to house our programs in one central location.)

  • Making a donation to the BTK General Fund (Funds help to keep general operating expenses)

  • Seeing if your company has a matching donation program

  • Fundraising with friends and family to sponsor a child or children

  • Spreading the Word (Spread the word by reposting your donation and tagging a friend. Challenge your friends to make a donation for change.) Be sure to include the hashtag







Invest in our youth to create the changes you want to see in our communities!

If you would like to mail in your donation please make all checks payable to Battle Tested Kids and send to: 1714 Franklin Street #100-123

Oakland, CA 94612



Battle Tested Kids is a tax-deductible 501(c) 3, and 100% of all money raised goes towards it's intended purpose! Only funds specified for the general fund goes towards administration, or overhead.

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